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CFL Rulebook


Rules concerning contact

1.  There is no blocking in the back, collaring or clotheslining.  There is no clipping, punching, biting, or spearing.  These are major penalties and are subject to a 15 yard penalty and 1st down and/or ejection from the game if deemed blatant.


2.  A player is not down until one knee is on the ground and he is touched by a player of the opposite team.


3.  Once the ball is hiked, players may grab, push, shove and throw on offense and defense.  After 5 yards from the line of scrimmage, you cannot interfere with a receiver unless reaching for the ball with the intent to catch it.


4.  There is no "in the grasp" rule after the quarterback has left the pocket.

Rules concerning field of play

1. The CFL field of play retains the same dimensions of current pro football fields.  The ball is started on the center hash-marks.  The goal post is of the old "H" design and sits on the goal line itself.  The team logo belongs directly in the center of the field on the 50 yard line and the CFL logos belong in the lower left side of the field on the 20 yard line for both sides of the field.


2.  Non-competing coaches, players or personnel are not on the field of play during any active play and cannot even step on the white border line; they are subject to a 15 yard penalty and if necessary for blatant offenses, ejection from the game.


3.  Referees, goal posts, yard markers and other authoritative parts of the operations of the game are considered part of the field of play.


4.  The ground cannot cause a fumble.

Rules concerning the uniform and personal actions

1.  Uniforms must be worn as prescribed by the league.  Shirts must be tucked in, sleeves left hanging straight and all equipment worn during the game as it was intended.


2.  There is no penalty for removing the helmet while not in an active play.


3.  Unauthorized symbols, logos and slogans are prohibited and the offending player will not be allowed to take the field and will not be paid if he is not playing because of this.


4.  Players are not penalized for throwing a game ball into the stands, but they must pay for that ball.


5.  Players, coaches and personnel may not openly display or use profane language or gestures during a game or at any-time they are representing the league.


6.  There are no rules against celebrating as long as it is by the player/players that were active in the specific play itself.


7.  When the play is over, the completing player must hand the ball to the official; penalty, 5 yards, 10 yards for a flagrant violation.

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